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Planning Ahead for
Your End of Life Celebration

How will those you love celebrate you when you pass?

If you're like many people, who don't subscribe to a specific religion, planning an event like a funeral or wedding is like starting from scratch.  There's no template, which provides incredible freedom, but also can be daunting.  


That's why it's so important for you to think ahead about how you'd like to celebrate your life, so those you'll be leaving behind are able to plan a celebration that truly honors and represents you.

Together we will embrace the awe and wonder of the finite lives we live and give ourselves time and safe space to reflect on a topic that can sometimes be challenging. 


You'll leave with:
  • A better understanding of why humans both mourn and celebrate the end of life across cultures and history, in order to help ground you in your own beliefs and values.

  • An outline you can return to over the course of your life to update with elements you'd like to include, from readings to music, to party favors.

  • Your burial wishes articulated. 

  • Tips and tricks for talking to loved ones about end-of-life planning.

  • (1) 15-minute office hours check-in with Lana scheduled to address those lingering follow-ups. 

  • A deeper sense of comfort with your own mortality and sense of renewed vision for living the life you want to be remembered for.


We will touch briefly on end of life care directives, estate-planning, the logistics of burial/cremation, and planning to pay for these expenses, but the core of this workshop is about planning the end-of-life celebration itself.

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